07 July 2010

Chapter 3 : Make Money Racing Chickens

Leave through the town gates

Buy corn from Amadeo
(must have asked Amadeo about the strongbox)
(must have at least two doubloons)

If you don't have any doubloons to buy corn, you can make
some money by catching fish and selling the fish to Sancha

Use the map and go to the jungle trail

Walk up to the jungle clearing

Try to catch a chicken using the lobster pot

If you didn't pick up the lobster pot earlier, you can find it
sitting on the jetty beside the left inside corner post

Use the bag of corn with the lobster pot on the ground
(must have tried to catch a chicken using the lobster pot)

Use the map and go to the crossroads

Ask Amadeo to play chicken race
(must have caught a chicken)
(must have at least two doubloons)

Play Chicken Race

If you win the first chicken race you'll have enough doubloons,
otherwise keep racing until you have at least 11 doubloons

Previous Link to be Added

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS
So Blonde : Back to the Island