06 July 2010

Chapter 3 : Deliver the Message

Chat with Sancha

Leave through the town gates

Just for fun, look at the carriage for a television show reference

Chat with Bibli

Talk to Amadeo about chickens, rules, the strongbox and money

Look at the river

Walk left to the pier

Just for fun, try to open the hut for an actor reference

Chat with Carlo

Chat with Morgane

Chat with Razzo

Walk right to the jetty

Just for fun, look at the balcony for a Shakespearean play reference

Pick up the lobster pot

Examine the ladder

Notice the box of polish

Chat with Pablo

Talk to Juan about being the mayor, a wife, the gift and poetry

Give One Eye's message to Juan
(must have talked to Juan)

Previous Link to be Added

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS
So Blonde : Back to the Island