Talk to Diablo about him looking unwell
Use the map and go to the crossroads
Enter the town gates
Enter the inn
Ask Vasco for a drink and accept the milk
Return to the upper town square
Look at the fruit on Sancha's stall
Ask Sancha about the prunes and accept them
(must have talked to Diablo about him looking unwell)
(must have looked at the fruit)
Add the prunes to the milk
Use the map and go to the crossroads
Return to the jetty
Talk to Juan about the sketches, Morgane and Alessandro
(must have given the iron box to Morgane)
Offer the suspicious drink to Diablo
(Juan must not be sitting on the jetty)
Open the treasure chest
(Diablo must not be guarding the chest)
Previous Link to be Added
This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS
So Blonde : Back to the Island
So Blonde : Back to the Island