11 April 2010

Chapter 7 : Put Up the Posters

Ask Elvis about Chemi'n and Javier

If you talked to Elvis while he was hanging around the volcano
rim, he'll give you an optional rare stone for saving his life

Leave the inn

Walk right to the upper town square

Continue right to the lower town square

Enter the town hall

Ask Juan about the posters

Leave the town hall

Enter Olivia's Shop

Talk to Olivia about the posters
(must have asked Juan about the posters)

Attach the thumb tacks to the poetry posters

Return to the town hall

Pin a prepared poster to the town hall notice board

Return to the town gates

Check out the notice board

Pin a prepared poster to the notice board

Go through the town gates to the crossroads

Walk left to the pier

Pin a prepared poster to the panel on the fence

Use the map and go to the jungle trail

Chat with Maria

Pin a prepared poster to the fruit trees

Previous Link to be Added

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS
So Blonde : Back to the Island