Try to climb up to the dark beach
Walk left to the lifeboat
Use the pebble to smash the large shell on the right
If you didn't pick up the pebble earlier, you can find it on
a large rock near the hollow rock in the area to the right
a large rock near the hollow rock in the area to the right
Combine the shell shard with the piece of string to make a knife
If you didn't obtain the piece of string earlier, you can find
it hanging from the old ship wreck in the area to the right
it hanging from the old ship wreck in the area to the right
If you didn't collect the dirty cloth earlier, this is the pirate
flag hanging from the old ship wreck in the area to the right
flag hanging from the old ship wreck in the area to the right
Walk right to the wreck
Use the hand-crafted knife to cut the mast rope
Climb the fallen mast to the dark beach
(must have cut the mast rope)
Previous Link to be Added
This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS
So Blonde : Back to the Island
So Blonde : Back to the Island